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Neighborhood Demographics
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Sell the Home AND the Neighborhood


Local Neighborhood Content

Understand the impact of location better with comprehensive and real-time points of interest data spanning 20 categories

18 proprietary location scores across three categories: transportation, services, and character

Empower your users to find the properties that are in a specific school boundary, in the US and Canada.

Local Neighborhood Content


Local Neighborhood Demographics

Leverage up-to-date information about the population living around a given location or in a defined area.

Unlock granular and flexible demographics insights by specifying a lat/lng coordinate or by providing a polygon parameter.

Predict future markets based on demographic factors and their impact on real estate trends.

Local Neighborhood Demographics

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Neighborhood Overview

Sell the Neighborhood, Sell a Way of Life!

  • 78% of people and 85% of millennials indicated they would PAY MORE to live in a walkable community.
  • 65% of people listed public transportation as an important factor in their home selection.
  • 60% of buyers cited quality of the neighborhood as the most important factor determining the location of their new home.
  • School Districts continue to be one of the top priorities for families with children
  • Initial impressions of a neighborhood can make or break a sale!
  • Buyers view 7 homes on average, and the right neighborhood could be the deciding factor!
  • Check out the Highlights from the 2023 Profile of Buyers and Sellers
Neighborhood Overview

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